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Official release​

To install LangChain run:

npm install langchain

This will install the bare minimum requirements of LangChain. A lot of the value of LangChain comes when integrating it with various model providers, datastores, etc. By default, the dependencies needed to do that are NOT installed. You will need to install the dependencies for specific integrations separately.

LangChain core​

The @langchain/core package contains base abstractions that the rest of the LangChain ecosystem uses, along with the LangChain Expression Language. It is automatically installed by langchain, but can also be used separately. Install with:

npm install @langchain/core

LangChain community​

The @langchain/community package contains third-party integrations. It is automatically installed by langchain, but can also be used separately. Install with:

npm install @langchain/community

@langchain/community will be removed as a dependency of langchain in version 0.2.0.


langgraph is a library for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs, built on top of (and intended to be used with) LangChain. Install with:

npm install @langchain/langgraph

LangSmith SDK​

The LangSmith SDK is automatically installed by LangChain. If not using LangChain, install with:

npm install langsmith

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